My Missing Valentine

Comedy, Romance, Fantasy
Mandarin, English and Czech subtitles
Director: Chen Yu-hsun
Starring: Liu Kuan-ting, Patty Lee
Distributor: MandarinVision

What other motion picture could more fittingly represent contemporary Taiwan cinematography than one of the most popular and successful rom-coms of the last decade. My Missing Valentine collected five prestigious Golden Horse awards last year and became a favourite of domestic audience. This subversive romantic comedy with ingenuous story line has finally made its way here!

Hsiao-chi, a woman who has always been one step ahead of others, cannot wait for Valentine’s day. She falls asleep on the eve of Valentine’s day and wakes up only to find out Valentine’s day is gone. She composes herself and immediately begins to untangle the mystery of the missing day. We should not say any more of this intricate story because it is the gradual revelation of many narrative secrets that makes the experience of this film so gratifying. This surprisingly well-thought comedy makes good use of stylized hyperbole and subversion of other classical genre tropes. It is at times fairly touching, absurdly witty and strikingly concerning.